Mark Wyszomierski



A world building app tailored to mobile devices. Create huge maps with different tilesets. Meant to be a relaxing and fun app to create art. Used Blender's python apis to make model artwork. Find it at the Google Play Store.

2013 - Present


A multiplayer clone of the classic Risk boardgame. The game was originally created to experiment with Android's push notifications for multiplayer games. It was also a way to get to use Google App Engine, and Jetty. An ios port was created in 2013 using pure html5. The game averages 100,000 players a day. Find it at the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.



Another simple puzzle/physics android game using libgdx. Find it in the Google Play Store.



A first attempt at using libgdx for a simple puzzle/physics android game. Find it in the Google Play Store.



A fun first app for iPhone. Users can create avatars for use with their contact book. The app internally uses an SVG library I wrote to support vector scaling of the different avatar elements. SVG support also allowed creation of a web gallery which can render avatars made by users in a browser.


A few snapshots of random sketches over the years.